What cigarettes are most popular in Turkey? In Turkey, the most popular cigarette brands are Marlboro, Camel, and Parliament. These brands have a strong presence in the Turkish market and are widely recognized and consumed by smokers. Marlboro, produced by Philip Morris International, is one of the leading cigarette brands globally and holds a significant market share in Turkey as well.

Camel, manufactured by Japan Tobacco International, is also a popular choice among Turkish smokers, known for its distinct flavor and packaging. Parliament, another brand owned by Philip Morris International, is known for its premium quality and is favored by a niche market segment in Turkey. Additionally, there are several local Turkish cigarette brands that also have a significant presence in the market, such as Samsun, Tekel 2000, and Mevlana. However, it is important to note that smoking is subject to regulations and restrictions in Turkey, including limitations on advertising and smoking in public areas.

Apart from Marlboro and Camel, there are also other local and international cigarette brands available in the Turkish market. These include Lark, Winston, Parliament, and Muratti, among others. The popularity of cigarette brands can vary among different regions and demographics in Turkey, but Marlboro and Camel generally hold a significant market share.

What cigarettes are most popular in Turkey?