Why do cigars self extinguish when placed in an ashtray but cigarettes remain burning? Cigars and cigarettes have different combustion properties and construction, which can explain why cigars tend to self-extinguish when placed in an ashtray while cigarettes continue to burn.

One of the main reasons cigars self-extinguish is their thick, dense tobacco composition. Cigars are typically rolled with whole tobacco leaves, which are tightly packed and packed together. This dense construction makes it difficult for air to pass through the cigar, limiting the airflow and oxygen supply needed to sustain combustion. As a result, when a cigar is placed in an ashtray and left unattended, the lack of oxygen causes the ember to gradually extinguish.

On the other hand, cigarettes are made with a blend of shredded tobacco and other additives. The thin and loosely packed design of cigarettes allows for more airflow, which provides a steady supply of oxygen to keep the cigarette burning. Additionally, cigarettes often have a paper wrapper that is specially treated to maintain combustion. These factors contribute to the cigarette’s ability to continue burning even when left unattended in an ashtray.

The self-extinguishing nature of cigars is also influenced by the way they are typically smoked. Cigars are often enjoyed at a slower pace, with longer intervals between puffs compared to cigarettes, which are usually smoked more rapidly. This slower smoking pace allows the cigar to cool down and contributes to its tendency to self-extinguish when placed in an ashtray.

Moreover, cigars are often larger in size compared to cigarettes, which means they contain a greater amount of tobacco that needs to burn. This larger volume of tobacco requires more oxygen to sustain combustion, making it more prone to self-extinguishing when not actively puffed on.

In conclusion, the composition, construction, and smoking pace of cigars, along with their larger size, contribute to their tendency to self-extinguish when placed in an ashtray, while cigarettes, with their different design and additives, continue to burn.
Why do cigars self extinguish when placed in an ashtray but cigarettes remain burning?