The price of a box of Newport cigarettes can vary depending on various factors such as location, taxes, and any promotional offers. It is important to note that smoking is harmful to health and can have serious consequences. However, as of the time of writing this response, the average price range for a pack of Newport cigarettes is typically between $8 and $10 in the United States. Keep in mind that prices may be higher in certain states due to additional taxes or regulations that are imposed on tobacco products. It is always advisable to check with local retailers or online platforms for accurate and up-to-date pricing information.

It’s important to note that cigarette prices can fluctuate over time due to various factors, including changes in taxes and regulations.

To get an accurate price for a box of Newport cigarettes, it’s best to check with local retailers or online platforms that sell tobacco products. You can visit the official Newport website or use online platforms that provide price comparisons for different brands and locations.

It is important to note that cigarette prices can also change over time due to various factors such as inflation and government regulations.

To get an accurate and up-to-date price for a box of Newport cigarettes, it is recommended to check with local tobacco retailers or visit their websites. Additionally, online cigarette price comparison websites can also provide information on the average prices of Newport cigarettes in different areas.