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70mm cigarettes were the original cigarette size and are typically 2 3/4 inches long. These were traditionally filterless cigarettes and were the dominant size before the popular filtered cigarette started to dominate the market. This size is still very popular with the roll-your-own community, but are less popular from a commercial standpoint. These are still widely available, but not very popular in the modern day.
84mm cigarettes are also known as King size cigarettes and are typically 3 – 3 1/4 inches in length. These are the most popular sizes of cigarettes and are the size right below 100mm. The overall length of the cigarette is longer than the 70mm due to a filter that is attached on one end of the cigarette.
100mm cigarettes are simply known as 100’s and are typically 3 3/4 – 4 inches in length. These are next sizes up from 84mm (king size) cigarettes and are longer in overall length. They have a longer filter than the 84mm cigarettes and can have slightly more tobacco depending on the manufacturer.
120mm cigarettes are simply known as 120’s and are typically 4 3/4 – 5 inches in length. These are the next sizes up from 100mm cigarettes and are traditionally the longest commercially manufactured cigarette on the market. The big difference in this size cigarette is in the diameter. Generally speaking, these cigarettes have a smaller diameter making them appear ‘slim’ or thin. Many people are under the assumption that because it is longer, is has a lot more tobacco and this is usually not the case.
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